My trip - my visits 0
15 rue des Coteaux
67630 Néewiller près Lauterbourg
06 33 17 82 44


You will feel at home, with all the comfort and charm of this holiday rental. The owners will welcome you warmly, offering you all the guarantees of a pleasant stay. This stylish cottage ideally for 2 / 4 pers. has an independent entrance and extends over 2 floors. Tailor-made services such as breakfast trays, lunch boxes, etc... are offered to you. With nice weather, you will enjoy the beautiful patio lounge. Bicycles available.

Distance (km) à la gare la plus proche

Distance (km) à la gare la plus proche : 4


Quiet street

Surface area (sq.m.)

Surface area (sq.m.)42

Style of accommodation

Semi-detached house


Languages spoken

German English

Animals accepted


Possibility of Internet connection

Network connectionFree wi-fi

Practical services

  • Sheets included in the rental price
  • Household linen included in the rental price
  • End of stay cleaning included
  • Cycle rental available

Facilities for children

  • Baby bath
  • Highchair
  • Baby's bottle warmer
  • Colouring books and littlel games
  • Cot
  • Child's bed
  • Baby changing table/mat
  • Children's tableware

Leisure facilities for children

  • Playground
  • Sand pit
  • Swing
  • Game/toy case

Bicyclefacilities / services

  • Closed bicycle garage
  • Bicycle parking or racks
  • Tools on hand (foot pump, patches, tire levers, wrenches and wrenches)

Accommodation capacity (according to classificat.)

number of people : 4
number of people with extra bed / at the most : 6
Number of rooms : 1

Bathroom facilities

  • Number of restrooms (private) with shower and bathtub 1
  • No. of toilets in bathrooms 1

External facilities of the accommodation

  • Private garden furniture
  • Private patio

Comfort accommodation

  • Separate fitted kitchen
  • Dishwasher
  • Non-smoking room
  • TV in every room


Gîtes/refuge rates in €

Min. per night80
Max. per night95

Visitors' tax

Not payable

Methods of payment

  • Cheque
  • Transfer

Hours of arrival and starting

Arrival timeFrom 15h
Departure timeBefore noon