Haras de la Née
67630 Néewiller près Lauterbourg
Make an appointment at the Haras de la Née any day that suits you to enjoy a ride on horseback or in a horse-drawn cart. Whether you are a beginner and have some experience, whether you are on your own or part of a club or school group, etc.
Prices for a ride in a horse-drawn cart:
Fewer than 10 people: €150 per hour.
More than 11 people and 18 people max.: €12 per hour per person.
There's also the option of taking your own picnic lunch with you or a picnic prepared in our kitchens if you remember to book in advance.
Prices for a horseback ride or a pony ride as of 10 years of age (with or without supervision) €16 per hour per person.
A pony ride (parents leading their child on the pony): €14 per hour - €8 per half hour.
Please feel free to contact us to arrange a ride. We'll help you to select a suitable mount and show you how to use the equipment (saddle, bridle, halter).
Languages spoken

Opening hours